Regeneration of an aluminum landfill in a natural reserve. - Open Idea Competition - 1st PRIZE

the project was selected for the RI.U.SO award (Sustainable Urban Regeneration), promoted by CNAPPC and SAIE Bologna 2015 - 3rd PRIZE

The site is at the heart of a complex system in which natural features (the Natura-2000 reserve, for flora and fauna), big scale infrastructure, and man-made artifacts (the aluminum mine that generated the landfill as a byproduct), intertwine.

The competition brief was calling for ideas on the future programming and usage in a 10 years time from present, of a critical landfill site, located in the outskirts of the austrian town of Wiener Neustadt. 

The 3 different main characters of the territory influence and suggest guidelines for the recovery of the site N6. The recovery and future programming of the landfill, will be grounded on the design of the synergy among these 3 main aspects: 

Natural preservation, Industrial sustainable production, Anthropic relevance.  The guidelines and the phasing of recovery will aim to fabricate a new identity for the site that could attract new economic interests, while creating completely new opportunities for the territory.



The redevelopment of the landfill site N6, aside from the physical transformations, will occur as well through the project's ability to generate attention and interest in different subjects.

Particularly, the WWW project seeks to attract 1) Research: focused on conceptual experimentation and on developing innovative techniques;  2) Investments: targeting sustainable and forth-looking best practices for production; 

3) Public: in the form of tourists and visitors interested in the natural uniqueness of the site.

The designed synergy among the 3 features of the site generates a virtuous circle where knowledge, leisure and resources form a solid system to create a new landscape and landmark within the territory of Wiener Neustadt.




The re-naturalization of the area is gained through a simple process of selective reforestation of the perimeter slopes of the site. in order to blur the otherwise very harsh edges of the landfill hole. Reforestation is performed by planting compatible and local tree species, so as to reestablish continuity within the context of the Natura 2000 reserve.




Innovative and experimental productive programs take place in the center of the excavation. Aqua-ponic production and Spirulina-algae harvesting are promoted as positive attractors both in economic and in environmental terms.




The environmental and productive recovery of the site becomes a best practice for the municipality of Wiener Neustadt. The city uses the area as a touristic and educational starting point for environmental and ecological policies.



Experimental aquaculture system

Aquaculture - the controlled breeding of aquatic organisms (fish, molluscs, crustaceans and algae) - is referred to as an integrated production method where the fodder is optimally utilized: the fish waste becomes food for other organisms. 

In this case, the alga Spirulina will act as the main element of the circuit connected to aquaponic fish farming and vegetable growing.

Spirulina (a genus of cyanobacteria) is an oxygen generator and carbon dioxide consumers.

Because of their health functions Spirulina has a huge market potential for medical purposes. Dried Spirulina can be used as supplementary fodder for aquaculture fish.